Self-Assessment Report published as part of the external evaluation process to become members of ENQA


Last April, The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education in Andorra (AQUA) began the process of becoming a member of The European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA). The main benefits of being member of this association are:

🔹Recognition and credibility: Being a member of ENQA will provide AQUA with official recognition that it meets the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) in its processes of evaluation, accreditation, and certification of the quality of higher education in Andorra. This will enhance the Agency's credibility and reputation both nationally and internationally.

🔹Access to Professional networks: ENQA member agencies have access to a wide network of professionals in quality assurance. This facilitates the exchange of experiences and best practices with peer agencies.

🔹Development of regulations: Member agencies can participate in the development and review of ENQA standards and guidelines. This allows for influencing the evolution of European standards and ensuring that the Agency's practices are aligned with current expectations.

🔹Training and support opportunities: Members can access specialized training, seminars, and workshops organized by ENQA. This support helps agencies improve their quality assurance practices and processes.

🔹International visibility and projection: Being an ENQA member enhances international visibility, which can be beneficial for establishing international collaborations and for the recognition of accreditations and evaluations in other countries.

🔹Commitment to excellence: Being a member of ENQA implies a commitment to excellence in quality assurance in higher education. Member agencies must demonstrate continuous alignment with ESG and undergo periodic reviews to ensure the maintenance of these standards.

As part of the procedure to become a member, the Agency will undergo an external evaluation, which will assess our compliance with ESG, as detailed in the self-assessment report we have prepared and submitted to the association for review, as well as to other stakeholders in the higher education system of Andorra. A visit to our offices will also be organized, and interviews will be conducted with the work team and stakeholders.

If the external evaluation is positive, the Agency will be incorporated into The European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR), which will strengthen confidence in the quality of Andorran higher education and facilitate student and staff mobility, as well as international recognition of degrees.

In summary, being a member of ENQA provides The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education in Andorra (AQUA) with significant recognition, access to resources and professional networks, and an opportunity to contribute to the development and improvement of quality assurance standards in higher education in Europe.