The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education in Andorra presents its 2023 activity report.

Dr Isaac Galobardes, director of The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education in Andorra (AQUA), appeared yesterday before the Legislative Committee on Education, Research, Youth, and Sports of the General Council and the press to present the activity report for the year 2023 of the Agency. This document details the various initiatives, projects, and results achieved during the past year in favor of the improvement and excellence of higher education in the country and reflects the Agency's constant commitment to transparency, quality, and innovation in the field of higher education. 

Highlights of AQUA's activities in 2023 include: 

  • Evaluation of ten study plans and the initiation of eleven new ones; modification of five study plans and initiation of three more modifications; renewal of two study plan renewals. 
  • Evaluation of four private higher education institutions that sought to establish themselves in Andorra. 
  • Processing of four accreditations for teaching and research staff.
  • Accreditation of four public research funding calls. 
  • Approval by the Steering Committee of two new evaluation guides and two modifications. 
  • Publication of the new edition of labor market insertion studies in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. 
  • Approval of the 2023-2025 strategic plan. 
  • Establishment of a new internal quality system. 
  • Continued reflection work within the Working Group on Quality in Higher Education of Andorra, with representatives from the University of Andorra, the European University IMF, the Carlemany University, the Humanium International University, and the Ministry of Education and Higher Education. 

The full document can be found here (in catalan).