Dr Isaac Galobardes sworn in as director of AQUA

The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education of Andorra (AQUA) held a ceremony today for the swearing-in of its director, Dr Isaac Galobardes. Despite having led the agency for over a year, the official swearing-in ceremony had not yet taken place. 

Dr Galobardes outlined the main challenges and objectives for his term, including the agency's entry into the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA), a step he considers fundamental for the internationalization and recognition of the quality of higher education in Andorra. "This register will place us on the European map and strengthen our credibility and prestige," stated Galobardes. 

Another highlight of his remarks was the amendment of the law that will allow the publication of unfavorable reports. This measure aims to increase the transparency and accountability of higher education institutions, ensuring that evaluation results are known to the entire educational community and society at large. Dr Galobardes also expressed his intention to work closely with all academic institutions in the country to ensure their academic programs meet the highest quality standards. "Our goal is to ensure that students receive the highest quality education, adequately preparing them for future challenges," concluded the director. 

Under this leadership, AQUA is committed to continuing its work towards excellence and quality in higher education in Andorra, with a focus on European and international standards.