AQUA’s presentation video

The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education in Andorra (AQUA) has released a corporate video to showcase its mission and commitment to educational quality in Andorra.

This video highlights AQUA's fundamental role as an independent public institution, affiliated with the Andorran Parliament, responsible for overseeing the quality of higher education in Andorra.

Founded in 2006 when Andorra joined the Bologna Process, AQUA adheres to the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG), as well as Andorran legislation.

The video emphasizes the agency's rigorous evaluation processes, ensuring that the country's higher education institutions provide high-quality education aligned with Andorra's social and labor needs.

AQUA's participation in international networks such as ENQA, SIACES, and INQAAHE is also highlighted. These networks allow the agency to stay up-to-date with best practices and promote quality globally.

With this presentation video, AQUA seeks to further connect with society, institutions, and students, demonstrating its ongoing commitment to continuously improving the quality of the higher education in Andorra.