AQUA's attendance at the General Assembly of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA)

On June 12, AQUA attended the General Assembly of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA). 

AQUA is a signatory to the research assessment agreement, along with the University of Andorra, aiming to promote the improvement of research quality in the country and the impact of its results.

The event began with an opening address from Prof. Rianne Letschert, the Chair of CoARA. Next, Dr. Erzsébet Tóth-Czifra presented the Activity Report, including the approval of the minutes from the previous meeting on December 15, 2023. 

Dr. Karen Stroobants discussed plans for in-person events in 2024 and issued a call to host future CoARA events. Following this, Dr. Elizabeth Gadd proposed adding a geographical dimension to the criteria for selecting the Board of Directors to enhance diversity in CoARA governance. Key documents related to this discussion were reviewed and voted upon. 

Prof. Letschert announced the voting results, summarized the meeting, and concluded it. The assembly was a significant step in shaping CoARA's future, emphasizing collaboration and inclusive governance.