The AQUA and the UdA constitute the Andorran chapter of the CoARA, an international research organization

Progress on CoARA membership and forthcoming activities - CoARA

The board of directors of the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA), has approved the creation of the National Chapter of Andorra of this organization that brings together universities, public and private research organizations, research funding bodies, and evaluation agencies to promote the implementation of a new system of evaluation of research activity at an international level.

The National Chapter of Andorra will bring together the University of Andorra (UdA) and the Andorran Higher Education Quality Agency (AQUA) with the same desire to promote the improvement of the quality of research in the country and the impact of its results.

The Chapter will help Andorran members of the CoARA to exchange knowledge and participate in mutual learning on issues of Andorra and other small countries and territories. This joint effort is focused on integrating global principles into local contexts, covering aspects such as peer review processes, promotion, and career criteria, ethical metrics, or coordination to reform research evaluation by new international standards.

The approval decision of the National Chapter of Andorra of the CoARA was adopted on April 11 “with very important support”, as the same organization has made known. The evaluation report assesses, for example, that the board “came solid the proposed work plan, and rich the diversity of collaborators”. The work plan will soon be published on the website coara.eu.